The World Congress on Internet Security (WorldCIS-2025) is a leading global platform to present and get up-to-date with the most cutting edge research outcomes and innovative developments that are transforming education. We attract the most influential, visionary academics and industrial leaders worldwide, who have the knowledge, experience and capabilities to engage and stimulate intellectual dialogue amongst their peers in particular the start-ups.

The WorldCIS-2025 Call for Speakers is an open invitation.

  • We sincerely hope that you could give a talk to the diversity of participants.
  • Increase numbers of renowned speakers have confirmed their participation.

The WorldCIS has succeeded in becoming a referential global meeting point for educators, social entrepreneurs, start-ups, research centres, networking, provoking discussion, reflection and inspiring new ideas. Participating as a speaker is open to all. To participate as a speaker in the WorldCIS-2025, please fill the form before or by the 15th of March, 2025.


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Why should I attend the WorldCIS?

  • Attend Keynotes.
  • Explore highly relevant sessions, led by industry’s and academic top experts.
  • Covers a wide spectrum of topics that relate to sustainability, which includes technical and non-technical research areas.
  • Opportunities for collaboration and reflection.
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